School District Governance Association of New Hampshire
Giving voters a voice by empowering elected school district officials to reclaim control over budgets and curriculum.
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News and Announcements
Webinar: How COVID Shutdowns Affected NH Student Performance
Jody Underwood, Ph.D. and long-serving member of the Croydon School Board, shared her research into NH student performance before and after COVID on the state standardized test and a national test....
Department of Education seeking public input on proposed changes to Ed 306 Administrative Rules – Outstanding commentary by Ian Underwood
Ed 306 is the set of Admin Rules which establishes minimum standards for an approved public school in the state of New Hampshire, and the Department is currently seeking public input on changes to those rules. Ian Underwood has published an open letter to the...
Announcing Consolidated NH State Proficiency / Achievement Results 2009-2023
The School District Governance Association of New Hampshire is happy to announce that we have delivered an important new feature on our web site bringing value to anybody working to improve public education in this state. Each spring, students across the state write...
Latest Events
Webinar: New School Board Member Training 2024
April 19, 2024, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM The learning curve is steep but these two hours will help you hit the ground running. Know your duties, identify the necessary knowledge base and avoid pitfalls. Donna Green, past President and founding member of...
Annual General Meeting 2024
Our Annual General Meeting for 2024 will be held on May 4, 2024 in Concord, NH WHERE: Granite State Baptist Church, 236 Sheep Davis Rd., Concord NH WHEN: Saturday, May 4, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Doors open at 9 AM for coffee and pastries. WHO: All...
Discover Your Power
Frequently Asked Questions
What is SDGA?
The School District Governance Association of
New Hampshire (SDGA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help members of school boards and budget committees discover their powers so they can effectively assert their lawful authority and be responsible to their electorate.
What does SDGA do?
SDGA Members are committed to:
- Helping school board and budget committee members discover their legal roles and responsibilities
- Publicizing and communicating best practices in governance and budgeting
- Formulating model school district policies so boards will have an independent, alternative resource
- Proposing and monitoring legislation that supports local control in education and openness in administration
Who can join SDGA?
Anyone who supports our mission. The core of our membership includes past or present elected or appointed local officials who have or have had fiduciary responsibility for a New Hampshire school district budget. We also encourage parents, taxpayers and others to join.
To be accepted as a member, you must be sponsored by a current SDGA member, get a two-thirds majority vote of the SDGA Board, and pay dues.
Dues are $20 per year, non-prorated, payable January 1st. Lifetime memberships are $200.
How can SDGA help you?
SDGA offers seminars on a range of topics related to governance: budgets, understanding of curricular and assessment issues, clarifying special education laws and so on.
We have begun to provide model policies that clarify school board and administrative roles.
Our members can offer their vast experience in many areas.
How can YOU get involved?
- Attend a seminar.
- Come to a meeting. The SDGA Board meets on the first Saturday of the month. Meetings are open to members and interested parties: there are always lively discussions.
- Join a committee or a project and help SDGA provide needed resources.
- Invite a friend to join a committee or attend a seminar.
- Donate time or money. SDGA runs on a
shoestring and every little bit helps.