Legislative Score Card 2023


Senate Score Card

This list tallies all recorded votes by State Senators, on 7 roll call motions supported or opposed by the SDGA. The roll call votes used to create the score card are listed here. Senate ScoresDownload

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House Score Card: Highest to Lowest

This list tallies all recorded votes by State Representatives, on 21 roll call motions supported or opposed by the SDGA. The sequence of the list is highest score to lowest score, using the column "SDGA Score Ignoring Excused" - whereby a rep's absence from a recorded...

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House Score Card: Alphabetical by Representative

This list tallies all recorded votes by State Representatives on 21 roll call motions supported or opposed by the SDGA. The list is presented alphabetically according to the names of the reps. The House votes used to create this score card are listed here. House...

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